
With every known Business, Service, Content and also Education going digital, there is an increasing need to observe how these Digital Platforms are running, identify issues as soon as possible and resolve them, to prevent interruptions and not lose Customers or Audience. In this, post, I would like to explain how IT Operations Management comes into the picture and also what we do at OpsRamp, a SaaS ITOM Platform.

Observability or Monitoring ?

A quick search of Observability gives us several results on how it differs from Monitoring. Monitoring is collecting the metrics which can give us a picture of the underlying system and present it in a simple, human understandable format, so that we can know how the system is performing. It enables us to gather data on several parameters which can be analyzed to understand the state and performance of system.

However, Observability is a bit different from this. If Monitoring, can give view and raise issues due to known metrics. Observability is ability to analyze and understand collected data to learn about the unknown changes which may have affected the system. Observability is a requirement this day, where most of the Applications and Infrastructure are loosely coupled and continuously changing be it APIs, Cloud Resources, Containers or server-less Technologies.

Where does an ITOM fit?

ITOM comes in to picture to regularly Monitor and provide Observability to these complex yet fragile mesh of interconnected and interdependent systems. ITOMs are equipped for providing a high level of systems view and to find and report issues before they can cause service outages or negatively impact businesses and customers. They include, but not limited to, monitoring, reporting, escalating, automating and remediating several issues which arise in Application or IT Infrastructure. They ensure reliability of services.

IT Operations Management through OpsRamp

OpsRamp as a SaaS platform enables unified view and management of resources of the whole enterprise at one place. Opsramp is currently a leader in Hybrid Infrastructure Management (both On-Premises and Cloud) with its Automated Discovery and Monitoring capabilities. Opsramp excels in :

  • Automated Discovery of Cloud Resources and Monitoring.
  • Incident and Event Management and Anticipation through AIOps.
  • Unified View of Networks, Cloud and On-Premises Resources.
  • Integrations with Other Platforms through robust SDKs.
  • RBAC support for Users.
  • Automation of IT Processes.

At OpsRamp we continuously strive to enable our Customer Businesses to server their users better. We use highly scalable and modern technologies to drive our Customer capabilities.

You can find out more about OpsRamp in our official Blog.


If you are either an Individual or Company looking to manage your Cloud and On-Premises infrastructure, you may be in need of an ITOM. OpsRamp empowers your SREs and help them find and remediate issues and also brings automation into your processes. We, at OpsRamp, are on a continuous endeavor to enable you to serve your Customers better and, take pride in making strides in this field to empower the ever-growing Digital Ecosystem.