What is Isekai? What are the Triad of modern Macro Capital? Where do these relate, if at all?
Financial Influencers and the Gyaan
A Lot of Gyaan is floating around. Many experts sprout in the Bull Market. How much are they relevant?
5 Subtle Lessons from The Richest Man in Babylon
The Richest Man in Babylon is a book suggested for fundamental knowledge on Personal Finance. The book presents some concepts of Personal Finance in a straight forward and practical way. However, There are also certain subtle concepts that appear when we try to understand the essence of it. Read the post, where I try to list out few of these.
Five Reasons Why you should give Podcasts a Try
Podcasts are audio form content gaining a steady traction. If you are not listening to one, Read to find out, Why you need to check them.
What is IT Operations Management?
Find out why IT Operations Management is necessary and learn a bit on How OpsRamp excels at it
Jackson and Gson - A Handshake 🤝
Find out how to achieve a Cross-Functionality between the Two Best Java JSON Libraries